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Table 2 Summary of adolescent and parent CBT intervention timing and content

From: A digital health peri-operative cognitive-behavioral intervention to prevent transition from acute to chronic postsurgical pain in adolescents undergoing spinal fusion (SurgeryPalTM): study protocol for a multisite randomized controlled trial


Adolescent content

Parent content

Preoperative treatment phase (4 weeks duration, delivered 4–6 weeks prior to surgery)


Preparing for surgery

-Introduction to relaxation strategies and training in deep breathing.

-Information about the importance of good sleep for recovery from surgery and strategies to improve sleep habits (e.g., wind-down routine).

Preparing for surgery

-Information about preparing for surgery and how to effectively gather information from the medical team.

-Introduction to relaxation strategies and training in deep breathing.

-Information about the importance of good sleep for recovery from surgery and strategies to support teen’s healthy sleep.


Coping with worry before surgery

-Introduction to cognitive strategies.

-Training in thought replacement and mindfulness.

Coping with worry before surgery

-Introduction to cognitive strategies.

-Training in thought replacement and mindfulness.

-Strategies to enhance parent-teen communication.


Getting ready for the hospital and recovery

-Information about preparing for the hospital and setting positive expectations.

-Training in using imagery and distraction for managing anxiety or pain.

Getting ready for the hospital and recovery

-Information about preparing for the hospital and setting positive expectations and social connections.

-Training in using imagery for managing anxiety.

Postoperative treatment phase (4 weeks duration, delivered 3–7 weeks post-surgery)


Coping at home

-Information about the importance of adequate sleep and strategies to improve sleep habits (e.g., sleep schedule).

-Information about the 4 P’s of pain management.

-Training in music distraction and mindful breathing.

Recovery at home after surgery

-Information about how to support healthy teen sleep habits and pain management.

-Introduction to basic principles of self-care.

-Training in mindful breathing.


Getting back to activities

-Introduction to behavioral activation.

-Training in strategies to gradually increase physical activities (e.g., activity pacing).

Getting back to normal life after surgery

-Information about handling daily stress.

-Information about how to support teen’s return to activities and school.

-Training in progressive muscle relaxation to reduce distress.


Long-term recovery

-Information about possible future challenges with recovery and education about chronic pain.

-Training in progressive muscle relaxation.

Long-term recovery

-Information about possible future challenges with recovery and education about chronic pain.

-Training in using positive self-statements to reduce distress.