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Table 1 Schedule of enrollment and follow-up points

From: Gamma oscillations induced by 40-Hz visual-auditory stimulation for the treatment of acute-phase limb motor rehabilitation after stroke: study protocol for a prospective randomized controlled trial

  1. Intervention A 40-Hz visual-auditory stimulation group, Intervention B Random frequency visual-auditory stimulation group, HBP high blood pressure, DM diabetic mellitus, MEP motor-evoked potentials, CMCT central motor conduction time, EEG electroencephalography, T1 T1 weighted, DWI T1 weighted, Diffusion-weighted imaging, DTI diffusion-weighted imaging, BOLD blood oxygen level dependent, CTP computer tomography perfusion, T1 pre-intervention, T2 2 weeks post-intervention retention, T3 3 months, T4 6 months post-intervention follow-up