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Table 2 Analysis methods for different outcomes

From: Initial treatment with a single capsule containing half-dose quadruple therapy versus standard-dose dual therapy in hypertensive patients (QUADUAL): statistical analysis plan for a randomized, blinded, crossover trial


Analysis methods

Primary outcome

 Changes in 24-h SBP

Linear mixed-effects model

Secondary outcomes

 Changes in 24-h DBP

Linear mixed-effects model

 Changes in daytime BP

Linear mixed-effects model

 Changes in nighttime BP

Linear mixed-effects model

 Changes in morning BP surge

Linear mixed-effects model

 Changes in office BP

Linear mixed-effects model

 Changes in home BP

Linear mixed-effects model

 Changes in heart rate

Linear mixed-effects model

 BP control rate

Paired chi-square test

 TTR of home BP

Linear mixed-effects model

Safety outcomes

 Adverse event

Chi-square tests or Fisher’s exact probability method

 Changes in biochemistry results

Linear mixed-effects model

 Changes in QT interval

Linear mixed-effects model

  1. BP blood pressure, DBP diastolic blood pressure, SBP systolic blood pressure, TTR time in target range