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Table 1 Injury/non-injury-related variables

From: Activities and participation of children and adolescents after mild traumatic brain injury and the effectiveness of an early intervention (Brains Ahead!): study protocol for a cohort study with a nested randomised controlled trial

Injury-related variables

 Glasgow Coma Scale score (first recorded in the ambulance or ED)

 Post-traumatic amnesia duration in minutes

 Loss of consciousness reported in ED

 Change in mental functioning: post-acute confusion or disorientation

 Other transient neurological abnormalities

 CT/MRI/EEG abnormalities

 Cause of MTBI

Non-injury-related variables

 Location (hospital where MTBI was diagnosed)

 Admission to hospital

 Age of patient at injury


 Education level of patient

 Pre-injury behavioural and emotional problems of the patient (measured using the CBCL)

 Parental socioeconomic status

 Pre-injury family function (measured using the FAD-GF)

 Family situation (number of family members residing with the patient)

  1. ED emergency department, CBCL Child Behaviour Checklist, FAD-GF Family Assessment Device–General Functioning Scale