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Table 1 Process chart of home-based tele-supervising rehabilitation for brain infarction patients (HTRBIP) trial

From: Home-based tele-supervising rehabilitation for brain infarction patients (HTRBIP): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial


Time 1a: enrollment

Time 2b: baseline assessment

Time 3: intervention

Time 4c: at the end of intervention

Time 5d: 90- day follow-up

Informed consent obtained



Epidemic data collection



Medical history collection



Physical examination



Recruitment criteria assessment



Randomized allocation




Physiological data collection

Body temperature





Respiratory rate





Pulse rate





Blood pressure





Surface electrocardiogram





Peripheral blood oxygen saturation





Primary outcome measurement (Barthel index)






Secondary outcome measurement

NIHSS score






mRS score






3-oz water swallow test












Adverse events record






  1. aTime 1: 2 to 7 days before intervention initiation.bTime 2: 0 to 2 days before intervention initiation.cTime 4: 90 days after intervention initiation.dTime 5: 180 days after intervention initiation.
  2. Abbreviations: mRS, modified Rankin Scale; NIHSS, National Institute of Health Stroke Scale; sEMG, surface electromyography.