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Table 1 Theoretical constructs and intervention activities of Happy interventions

From: Interventions to promote healthy environments in family child care homes in Oklahoma—Happy Healthy Homes: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Theoretical constructs

Intervention activities

Social cognitive theory

 Behavioral capability

Educational lessons, hands-on activities, cooking class, making household cleaners


Goal setting, problem solving, goal progress evaluation

 Expectancies (value of outcome)

Educational lessons integrated with qualitative teacher self-perspectives

 Observational learning

Hands-on activities, cooking class, making household cleaners, community partner involvement

Self-determination theory


Elective modules, hands-on activities

 Personal importance

Educational lessons integrated with qualitative teacher self-perspectives


Hands-on activities

Adult learning principles

 Active learning

Elective modules, hands-on activities


Reflective listening


Educational lessons include “why”


Goal setting, progress check-ins, and troubleshooting


Small-group cooking and children’s environmental health classes

Social support

 Instrumental support

Hands-on activities, cooking class, toolkit materials

 Informational support

Educational lessons, goal setting, troubleshooting

 Appraisal support

Discussion and troubleshooting of specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-sensitive (SMART) goal progress and challenges experienced

 Peer support

Small-group cooking and children’s environmental health classes with other providers