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Table 1 Composition and effects of herbs in the Lishui Xiaogu cataplasm

From: Efficacy and safety of umbilical therapy with the traditional Chinese medicine formulation Lishui Xiaogu cataplasm for cirrhotic ascites: protocol for a randomized controlled trial


Pharmacological effects according to traditional Chinese medicine


Purging water and relieving constipation, clearing away phlegm and expelling water, killing worms, and resolving accumulation


Clearing heat, diuresis and treating stranguria, dispelling dampness to stop diarrhea, improving vision, and dispelling phlegm


Contributing to defecation to resolve accumulation, clearing heat and purging fire, cooling blood to remove toxins, removing blood stasis and promoting menstruation, dispersing dampness, and eliminating jaundice


Eliminating dampness and disinhibiting water, strengthening the spleen to stop diarrhea, removing obstruction, expelling pus, detoxicating, and resolving stasis


Regulating qi to stop pain, and invigorating the spleen to promote digestion


Removing retained water and morbid fluid, subduing swelling, and dissipating bind