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Table 1 Exposure scores by BHCK intervention materials and activities

From: Exposure to a multi-level multi-component childhood obesity prevention community-randomized controlled trial: patterns, determinants, and implications

Intervention component

Intervention material or activity

Coding of exposure score

Corner stores and carryouts

Recreation center

Social media

Seeing BHCK logo in different places (stores, recreation centers, carryouts, and social media)

None = 0

1–2 places = 1.5

3–5 places = 4

6 or more = 6

Corner stores and carryouts

Seeing shelf label in different stores (BHCK corner stores and carryouts)

None = 0

1–2 places = 1.5

3–5 places = 4

6 or more = 6

Corner stores and carryouts

Recreation center

Taste tests (10 questions) (and four cooking demos at recreation center – applied to child only)

For each taste test:

Yes = 1

Maybe = 0.5

No = 0

Corner stores and carryouts

Recreation center

Social media

Posters (10 questions)

For each poster:

Yes = 1

Maybe = 0.5

No = 0

Corner stores and carryouts

Recreation center

Social media

Handouts (nine questions)

For each handout:

Yes = 1

Maybe = 0.5

No = 0

Corner stores and carryouts

Recreation center

Giveaways (17 questions)

For each giveaway:

Yes = 1

Maybe = 0.5

No = 0

Corner stores and carryouts

Recreation center

Educational display (five questions)

For each display:

Yes = 1

Maybe = 0.5

No = 0

Carryout only

Seeing redesigned menu (eight questions)

For each menu:

Yes = 1

Maybe = 0.5

No = 0

Corner stores only

Purchased from a BHCK corner store in the past seven days

Continuous variable: total frequency of purchase summed for all stores (n = 21)

Recreation center (applied to child)

Average number of attendances in a BHCK recreation center (n = 7) during the intervention

Never = 0

<1 time/month = 0.5

1–3 time/month = 2

1–2 times/week = 6

>3 times/week = 12

Recreation center (applied to child)

Participation in a youth-led nutrition session

Continuous variable: total sessions attended (max: 14)

Corner stores and carryouts

Recreation center (applied to child)

Interaction with BHCK youth leader

Never =0

1–5 times =1

6–10 times =2

>10 times = 3

Social media (applied to caregiver)

Followed or enrolled in BHCK social media (Facebook, Instagram, or texting)

For each account:

Yes =1

No = 0

Social media

Seeing BHCK posts (Facebook or Instagram) (eight questions)

For each post:

Yes = 1

No = 0

Overall BHCK exposure score

1. Summed points for each question for each intervention material and activity

2. Re-scaled exposure to materials and activities to range of 0–1

3. Summed all re-scaled exposure scores