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Table 1 Aggregated list of potential patient identifiers in datasets (Hrynaskiewicz [15])

From: Data sharing in clinical trials – practical guidance on anonymising trial datasets

Direct identifiers

Indirect identifiers

01. Name

A. Place of treatment or health professional responsible for care

02. Initials

B. Sex

03. Address, including full or partial postal code

C. Rare disease or treatment

04. Telephone or fax numbers or contact information

D. Sensitive data, such as illicit drug use or ‘risky behaviour’

05. Electronic mail addresses

E. Place of birth

06. Unique identifying numbers

F. Socioeconomic data, such as occupation or place of work, income, or education

07. Vehicle identifiers

G. Household and family composition

08. Medical device identifiers

H. Anthropometry measures

09. Web or internet protocol addresses

I. Multiple pregnancies

10. Biometric data

J. Ethnicity

11. Facial photograph or comparable image

K. Small denominators – population size of < 100

12. Audiotapes

L. Very small numerators – event counts of < 3

13. Names of relatives

M. Year of birth or age

14. Dates related to an individual (including date of birth)

N. Verbatim responses or transcripts


02. Superfluous information (audit trail data, administration data)