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Table 1 Summary of interview topics

From: Why do patients decline surgical trials? Findings from a qualitative interview study embedded in the Cancer Research UK BOLERO trial (Bladder cancer: Open versus Lapararoscopic or RObotic cystectomy)

Topics for patient interviews

Topics for nurse interviews

Trial information and recruitment processes

 • Experience of being told about the trial

 • Understandings of trial purpose and principles, e.g. randomisation

 • Views on participant information sheet

 • Other sources of information accessed about types of surgery/trial

 • Prior knowledge of and preferences for surgical methods


 • Reasons for declining randomisation

 • Choice of surgery and reasons given

 • Influence of clinical team and others on decision-making

 • Reflection on choices made and decision-making process

Experience of and attitudes towards medical research

 • Views on randomisaton as process of allocating treatment

 • Participation in previous and (potential) future research studies

Recruitment practices

 • Professional background and time on trial

 • Own and others’ duties and responsibilities with regard to the trial

 • Description and reflection on information giving process for trial/other options available to patients

Patient responses

 • Recall of patient responses to trial information

 • Views on patients’ reasons for declining randomisation

 • Views on patients’ reasons for accepting randomisation

 • Reflection on differences between patients who accept/decline trial

General reflections

 • Compare and contrast with recruitment experiences of other trials

 • Key challenges of this trial and suggestions for future trial design and conduct