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Table 2 Outline of the five-day metyrapone treatment scheme during study stage 1

From: Effects of the pattern of glucocorticoid replacement on neural processing, emotional reactivity and well-being in healthy male individuals: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

  1. Medication was received orally (pills of 250 mg of metyrapone). The doses in blue letters have been administered during the 24-hour blood sampling study
  2. aFor the purposes of the optimisation procedure, various doses were tested in different subjects at particular time points during the five-day treatment scheme to secure effective adrenal gland suppression (see Fig. 4)
  3. bThe last dose of the day was shifted from, initially, dinner time to just before going to sleep to ensure effective adrenal gland suppression during sleep (see Fig. 4). Participants are strongly advised to take metyrapone with a glass of milk or a snack to avoid any gastric discomfort