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Table 4 Survey instruments

From: Evaluation of alternative school feeding models on nutrition, education, agriculture and other social outcomes in Ghana: rationale, randomised design and baseline data



Household questionnaire

• Household roster (main demographic characteristics, including of children residing elsewhere)

• Education (school enrolment, attendance, education of all household members, time spent in class and working, distance and transport to school, meals while in school, parents’ aspirations, PTA membership and involvement)

• Household assets and farm assets (household facilities and durables including land and livestock holdings)

• Economic activities (simple income questionnaire on time spent working by household members in wage work, own business and own farm)

• Expenditure (monetary expenditure and own production of food, education, health, durables, and non-food expenditure)

• Anthropometry (height and weight of parents and children above 6 months of age - parents measurements are taken to assess the genetic potential)

• Micronutrient status (haemoglobin levels, anaemia prevalence)

• Cognitive and literacy and maths achievement tests (test scores on maths, literacy, Raven’s matrices and digit span test)

• Farm income (agricultural production and revenues, input expenditure and depreciation of farm assets)

• Other income (a simplified income questionnaire for other income sources like microenterprises, transfers, remittances, gifts, etc.)

School questionnaire

• School facilities (school characteristics including boards, toilets, furniture, books and all school-feeding related characteristics - kitchen, storage room, etc.)

• School participation (school-level data on enrolment, attendance and drop-out)

• School management and food procurement

• Teachers (qualifications, living conditions and aspirations)

• Training and monitoring activities

  1. PTA Parent-teacher Association