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Table 3 Threats to internal validity (source: adapted from [12])

From: Evaluation of alternative school feeding models on nutrition, education, agriculture and other social outcomes in Ghana: rationale, randomised design and baseline data



Spill-over and contamination

Hawthorne and placebo effects


Enrolment, attendance, drop-out and completion

Children may attend school from neighbouring communities to have access to meals

Expectation of coming programme in control communities

Cognitive ability

Raven’s matrices, digit span and/or other tests

Very unlikely

Teachers’ and children’s attempt to over-perform in both project and control communities


Digit span and/or other test

Very unlikely

Teachers’ and children’s attempt to over-perform in both project and control communities

Learning achievement

Scores on language and maths tests

Very unlikely

Teachers’ and children’s attempt to over-perform in both project and control communities

Physical growth

Anthropometric measures of height and weight

Children from other communities may access school meals

Very unlikely

Physical activity levels (PAL)

Parents’ perceptions

Very unlikely

Very unlikely

Diet diversity

Household consumption

Very unlikely

Very unlikely

Micronutrient intake

Iron status, anaemia

Children from other communities may access school meals

Very unlikely


Farm profits

Unlikely, if food purchases are made in control communities

Very unlikely