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Table 1 Summary of the NULevel face-to-face weight loss maintenance consultation

From: The NULevel trial of a scalable, technology-assisted weight loss maintenance intervention for obese adults after clinically significant weight loss: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial



Behaviour change techniques

Introduction (5 mins)

Welcome and consent; explain session structure


A: Weight history and goals (10 mins)

Review weight history, overall trajectory and number of WL attempts

Prompting focus on past success

Agree overall weight goal and regain thresholds for red and yellow zones

Goal setting (outcome)

Demonstrate and encourage weight self-monitoring using online study interface; explain weight-related SMS feedback system

Prompt self-monitoring of behavioural outcome

B: Weight strategies and success (10 mins)

Review current weight management strategies and future preferences

Selection of behavioural options

Identify individual WL success factors: initial trigger(s); motivations; duration; regain/setbacks; consequences

Prompt focus on past success

C: Dietary review (10 mins)

Review eating behaviours using 4-day food diary (habits,frequency; nutritional adequacy; context; any uncontrolled eating; whether participant desires any dietary changes)

Provide feedback on performance

Goal setting (behaviour)

Identify specific foods/drinks that participant overeats and finds hard to control/avoid (trigger foods); identify less problematic alternatives

Barrier identification

Problem solving

D: Set eating goals (10 mins)

Identify and formulate ≥1 SMART eating goals for WLM, specifying how, where and when behaviour is performed, potential sources of social support, barriers, and possible solutions

Goal setting (behaviour)

Problem solving

Agree plan against which participant monitors and evaluates own performance

Action planning

Coping planning

Plan social support/social change

Discuss eating goal self-monitoring using online study interface Explain input of eating data to online ‘diary’, SMS feedback and goal review/resetting process

Prompt self-monitoring of behaviour

Review of behavioural goals

E: Coping plans for tempting situations (5 mins)

Identify situations in which participant struggles to adhere to desired eating habits. Participant generates strategies to avoid this outcome

Barrier identification

Problem solving

Coping planning

Optional: identify an alternative WLM plan, if participant desires, from three options: Mediterranean diet, calorie-controlled diet and Change4life

Provide instruction on how to perform the behaviour and information on where/when to perform the behaviour

Discuss how, where, when and with whom to put the plan into place, possible obstacles to implementing the plan, and possible solutions to apply

Action planning

Coping planning

Barrier identification

Problem solving

F: Physical activity review and goal setting (10 mins)

Review and discuss current physical activity

Provide feedback on performance

Highlight importance of physical activity to WLM and overall health, and discuss ways to become more active, if desired

Provide information on the consequences of behaviour to the individual

Identify and formulate a SMART physical activity goal for WLM (e.g. daily step count), specifying how, where and when behaviour is performed, potential sources of social support, barriers, and possible solutions

Goal setting (behaviour)

Action planning

Barrier identification

Coping planning

Plan social support/social change

Discuss activity goal self-monitoring using online study interface Explain input of step counts to online ‘diary’, SMS feedback and goal review/resetting process

Prompt self-monitoring of behaviour

Review of behaviour goals

G: Relapse prevention (10 mins)

Explain rationale for behavioural self-monitoring, lapse/relapse distinction and importance of problem solving

Prompt self-monitoring of behavioural determinant

Explain weekly online diary contains questions on WLM confidence; health, wellbeing and priority placed on WLM in previous week Explain options to contact the research team (by email, SMS and diary tick-box)

Social support


Identify situations in which participant struggles to be active

Participant generates “if … then …” formulations using a volitional helpsheet (Armitage 2014) physically drawing a line to link situations with several possible solutions

Barrier identification

Problem solving

Coping planning

H: Summary

Summarise eating, physical activity and weight goals

Check participant understanding of action plans, coping plans and self-monitoring procedures


Give participant written details of goals, online interface user guide, log-in details and (if desired) new WLM eating plan

Address remaining concerns, explain next steps and thank participant for their time

  1. SMART specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-based, SMS short message service, WLM weight loss maintenance