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Table 2 Effectiveness trial measures

From: Peer-led healthy lifestyle program in supportive housing: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Type of Variable




Primary Outcome


Measured in lbs in light indoor clothing without shoes using a digital scale.

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Secondary Outcomes


Waist circumference measured to the nearest 0.1 cm with an anthropometric tape, in a horizontal plane 1 cm above the navel in light indoor clothing. Blood pressure assessed on the right arm of participants after they rest quietly in a seated position for at least 5 minutes, using a validated automated sphygmomanometer. Height measured without shoes with an anthropometric tape to the nearest 0.1 cm at entry into the study. Body mass index: will be calculated from measured height and weight (kg/m2)

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The Weight Efficacy Lifestyle (WEL) Questionnaire is a 20-item scale that asks people to rate their confidence to resist eating in certain situations on a 10-point Likert scale ranging from 0 (not confident) to 9 (very confident) [90]. The Multidimensional Health Locus of Control (MHLC) is a 24-item scale that measures the extent to which a participant believes s/he has control over various aspects of their physical health [91]. These scales have established psychometrics

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Physical activity

The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) short form [92] (7 items) asks respondents the number of days per week and the amount of time per day spent in vigorous and moderate activities and walking, during the 7 days prior to the interview. It has established psychometrics, is available in English and Spanish, and is validated for people with SMI [93]. The 6-Minutes Walking Test [94] will be used to measure the distance participants can walk in 6 minutes. This measure has been used in previous health promotion trials with people with SMI [95]. An increase in distance of more than 50 m has been linked to clinically significant reductions in risks for cardiovascular disease [94]

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Dietary behaviors

The Block Fat Screener and Fruit, Vegetable and Fiber Screener Questionnaires are brief food frequency measures that provide valid assessments of the intake of these foods [96]. Three modules from the 2013 CDC Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System Questionnaire: fruit and vegetable, drinks with sugar, and salt/sodium. These modules consist of 11 questions that measure eating behaviors in these areas [97]

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The Recovery Assessment Scale [98] is a 24-item measure that captures different aspects of recovery and produces a total recovery score and scores on 5 subscales

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Quality of Life

SF-12 [99], a self-report measure available in English and Spanish and validated among adults with SMI that generates two summary scores for physical and mental health-related quality of life [100]

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Self-reported age, gender, race/ethnicity, education, income, and marital status


Psychiatric medications

Self-reported list of psychiatric medications prescribed. Type and dosage will be recorded

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Attitudes toward Peer GLB

Modified version of the Client Satisfaction Questionnaire, an 8-item self-report scale available in English and Spanish to assess participants’ attitudes (e.g., satisfaction, acceptability) toward Peer GLB [101]

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Mental health

We will use the Revised Behavior and Symptom Identification Scale (BASIS-R) [102], a brief 24-item mental health severity measure designed to assess depression/functioning, difficulty in interpersonal relationships, self-harm, emotional lability, psychotic symptoms, and substance abuse. The BASIS-R is a reliable and valid measure that is sensitive to mental health treatment and has been tested in persons with schizophrenia

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Acculturation, barriers to medical care, comorbid medical conditions, service use and alcohol/drug use

Acculturation: nativity, language preference, time in the US, age of migration. The Bidimensional Acculturation Scale [103], a 24-item self-report measure that captures acculturation-related changes in two languages. Barriers to medical care: a list of 11 common factors that may prevent patients from seeking medical care [104, 105]. Comorbid medical conditions: a list of 17 common medical conditions by patient self-report. Service use: we will use established self-reported items from the National Latino and Asian American Study/National Comorbidity Study-Replication to measure participants’ use of mental/physical health services in the previous 6 months. This will help us track use of usual care services in the trial. Substance abuse will be measured using a subset of questions from the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) which assesses frequency of alcohol and drug use [106]

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  1. B baseline, GLB Group Lifestyle Balance