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Table 8 Comparison of pre- and post-intervention knowledge scores within each trial arm

From: Early warning scoring systems versus standard observations charts for wards in South Africa: a cluster randomized controlled trial


Pre-intervention score

Post-intervention score

Paired t-test for equality of means within trial arms


Mean score (%, SD)

Mean score (%, SD)

Mean difference (%, SD)

t-value (df)


Intervention arm (n = 25)

10/23 (41.9, 14.6)

14/23 (61.4, 27.9)

4/23 (19.5, 25.6)

3.804 (24)


Control arm (n = 25)

9/23 (37.2, 18.19)

10/23 (41.2, 16.22)

1/23 (4.0, 13.2)

−1.512 (24)
