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Archived Comments for: Sustained Aeration of Infant Lungs (SAIL) trial: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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  1. Best practices for prevention of BPD along with SAIL intervention or not

    Sandesh Shivananda, McMaster University

    19 August 2015

    Based on previous literature on sustained inflation and other interventions during resuscitation, the effect seems to be sustained till 72 hours and not later. I am concerned about study centers focussing on initial resuscitation but loose an opportunity on concurrently implementing best practices for reduction of BPD. I would like to know

    1. What concurrent best practices will be suggested/adopted in these centers to reduce BPD during this study? My worry is that the benefits may not be sustained till till 36 weeks PCA, unless the centers try and implement concurrent best practices.
    2. If potentially best practices that could be practiced post resuscitation (e.g. vigilant monitoring, early extubation and optimal non invasive ventilation, infection control practices, Nutrition, PDA management etc) are not standardized but left at the discretion of centers, is there a way of dissecting out the benefit of sustained inflation in centers with good practices for prevention of BPD?

    Competing interests

