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Table 4 Lidocaine application instructions

From: A comparison of cognitive-behavioral couple therapy and lidocaine in the treatment of provoked vestibulodynia: study protocol for a randomized clinical trial

At bedtime


Step 1

First wash hands thoroughly then make sure that targeted region is also clean. Dry by dabbing region with a towel (avoid vigorously rubbing)

Step 2

Apply a small quantity of ointment (the size of a marble) directly on the vulvar vestibule (see the diagram on the next page). Next, fold the cotton gauze in 4 (to make a smaller square) and apply the same amount of ointment on the gauze (size of a marble)


You may want to use a mirror to help guide you

Step 3

Cotton underwear may help keep the cotton gauze in place overnight while you sleep. You want to try to keep the lidocaine ointment in contact with the painful part of your vulvar vestibule for about 8 hours. Remove it when you wake up

Step 4

Wash hands immediately to avoid spreading ointment on unwanted areas

Step 5

Repeat these steps everyday for 12 weeks and fill out your Daily Lidocaine Log everyday!

Note: If you have to use the washroom during the night, repeat these steps to ensure that the ointment is present for the rest of the night.