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Table 1 Study eligibility criteria

From: Expanding Paramedicine in the Community (EPIC): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Eligibility criteria

Ineligibility criteria

Patients are eligible if:

Patients are ineligible if:

  • They are residents of the region of York

  • They are residents of long-term care facilities

  • They are 18 years of age or older

  • They have cognitive impairment, uncontrolled psychiatric disease or language barriers that would make it difficult to understand the consent and communicate with the paramedic during the scheduled visits, unless the individual with power of attorney for personal care consented and agreed to be at each visit

  • They have been diagnosed (at any point in time prior to enrollment) with, and currently receiving treatment for COPD, HF, or DM

  • They are identified by the Family Health Care Team as being at high-risk for hospital admission