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Table 1 Characteristics of recruited practices by design factor

From: Evaluation of different recruitment and randomisation methods in a trial of general practitioner-led interventions to increase physical activity: a randomised controlled feasibility study with factorial design

Practice characteristics by participant recruitment method


Opportunistic (N = 12)

Systematic (N = 12)

Practice list sizea (n (%))



4 (33)

3 (25)


5 (42)

3 (25)


3 (25)

6 (50)

Practice deprivation score (n (%))


Least deprived quartile

0 (0)

3 (25)

Central two quartiles

9 (75)

6 (50)

Most deprived quartile

3 (25)

3 (25)

Practice characteristics by participant randomisation method


Cluster (N = 18)

Individual (N = 6)

Practice list sizea (n (%))



4 (22)

3 (50)


7 (39)

1 (17)


7 (39)

2 (33)

Practice deprivation score (n (%))


Least deprived quartile

2 (11)

1 (17)

Central two quartiles

11 (61)

4 (67)

Most deprived quartile

5 (28)

1 (17)

  1. aSmall: <3,500; Medium: 3,500 to 8,000; Large >8,000.