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Table 2 Recommended prevention/management strategies for skin toxicities consistent with hand-foot skin reaction/hand-foot syndrome

From: A phase 3 tRial comparing capecitabinE in combination with SorafenIb or pLacebo for treatment of locally advanced or metastatIc HER2-Negative breast CancEr (the RESILIENCE study): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Toxicity grade

Practical prevention/management strategies for HFSR/HFS

Grade 0 (preventive strategies)

Maintain frequent contact with trial physician to ensure early diagnosis of HFSR

Practical prevention strategies

Pedicure by a podiatrist for subjects with pre-existing hyperkeratosis

Subjects should avoid hot water, and clothing or activities that can cause friction on the skin

Moisturizing cream should be applied sparingly

Padded gloves and open shoes with padded soles should be worn to relieve pressure points

Grade 1 any occurrence

Continue preventive strategies and in addition:

Soak hands in cool water

Apply petroleum jelly to moist skin

In the case of hyperkeratotic lesions, exfoliate the hands or feet and apply moisturizing cream immediately afterwards

Grade 2 or 3 any occurrence

Continue supportive/management measures and add analgesic(s) for pain


Dose modifications to study treatments per protocol guidance

  1. HFS: hand-foot syndrome, HFSR: hand-foot skin reaction.